The biggest comeback of GoNext History AND THE INSANE JOURNEY OF VCL!

We put together a valiant team to join the Vcl east surge: Split 2 on the day the GoNext organization was founded.
The first lineup was eXampL/KhA/TheoW/tsack and fanboy.
Everyone believed that this would be another victory for GoNext because things were good in practice and scrims and there was a generally good vibe.
All of a sudden, everything changed. The split began in the worst way conceivable with losses to Ex-Cyber Wolves (13-4), Zero Tenacity (5-13), and B8 Esports (11-13) and NOM Esports (13-2).
We began a player hunt because we were aware that something needed to be changed and that this was not the performance that our Organazation wanted to present to the public.
After some discussion, we decided to cut ties with TheoW and maintain fanboy as a substitute.
As we previously stated, our sentiments were conflicted because we were pleased about the players that took their places: Chadi and Hussar.
After assembling the new lineup, we were prepared to take charge of the situation.
After less than a week of practice, our team played Enterprise Esports, and we won 15–13. Chadi had a stellar debut, going godmode and scoring 32 kills, including an ACE and two 4–kills.
Everyone was thrilled with the performance of the new roster, and our players didn’t disappoint in the following match either.
Chadi and Hussar faced their old team, Rapid Ninjas, with the rest of the team, and they didn’t show any mercy.
Chadi led the team in kills with 21, Tsack was second with 19, and Hussar was third with 16. The match ended in our favor with a score of 13-8.
We finally had a chance to make the playoffs with a record of 2 wins and 4 losses, then Ascent happened and ended our winning streak with a 13-2 result.
Even when round 7 didn’t go our way, we made the unfathomable decision to press on and achieve it.
After that heartbreaking loss, we faced Diamant Esports, and after a week of practice, we were able to win the match with a score of 13-10. However, we lost the following game against Anonymo Esports 13-3.
With a record of 3 victories and 6 losses overall, we knew we would need a miracle to advance to the playoffs, but our team, our supporters, and our philosophy was to never give up, no matter what, GoNext with clarity of thought, and that’s precisely what we did.
After realizing the situation they are in, our team chose to WIN SIX IN A ROW to secure a playoff position and turn the tables to conclude the regular season with 9 wins and 9 losses, increasing their win percentage from 0% to 50%!
It appears that the playoffs were a failure, since Anonymo Esports defeated us in a best of three match 2-0, and Zero Tenacity defeated us in a second best of three round 1-2.
Even though we fell short of our initial goal of winning the entire split, we are still proud of how we handled the difficult situations by demonstrating our mental fortitude, passion, and tenacity, making the appropriate adjustments when necessary and demonstrating that no matter what happens, no matter how far you fall, just GoNext.